Mom buns are magic. There’s just something about throwing your hair up in a big messy bun. It says, I’m over dealing with this hair in my face. I either need to be unencumbered so I can rest and relax, or it says that it’s time to get down to business and get ish done! Today it means I need to get down to business and focus on playing with my sweet baby girl! Today is our day for adventure, and I ain’t got time to tame these tresses.
It’s so funny to me now, how much my perspective has changed. I remember spotting a new Mom in Target one time, with the cutest baby ever in tow. I was thinking wow, she looks kind of rough. But I get it now. There are days when every ounce of your effort goes to your child, or everyone else in your household, before it’s time for you. And if you do have the luxury of time for yourself, most days, it’s a big…naw, I’m good. This Mom bun works for one more day! This outfit worked for the last 2 days and I felt pretty cute, so why not another day? LOL.
But for real. Some days, I just don’t have anything for myself, even if I’m given an hour to shower and get ready. I’d rather zone out on social media for 30 minutes and then just spackle another layer of makeup on my day old makeup and call it a win!
I have grace overflowing for all my fellow moms out there! Just yesterday, I strolled by a Mom of two while baby girl and I were at the park. I overheard her say, “Oh shoot, I don’t have one!” I could see she was trying to put her little girl’s hair up in a ponytail. I felt in my purse pocket, and whipped our stroller around fast. I went right up to her and asked if she needed a hair band. She sighed with relief, and said, “Yes, thank you so much!” Do I have an overflowing amount of hair ties at my disposal. Nope. But I didn’t need it at that moment, and she did. So there you go. We gotta help each other out when we can.
Keep rocking those mom buns, ladies! (And Dads with long hair. I see you!) And if you are longing for a cute mom bun, but are hairstyle challenged, I thought this blog post was funny and has cute ideas for quick mom-bun-esque styles that should take less than an eternity to do!